Podcast transcripts - Podcasting - Help Center

5 (727) · € 12.99 · En stock Premium includes podcast hosting. When you upload an MP3, now automatically generates a text transcript using OpenAI. If there are any transcripts, a new Transcripts option in the sidebar will be visible to show and edit your transcripts. When you create a blog post that links to that MP3 with an audio tag (which on the web will do automatically for you), will associate the transcript with the blog post. By default, it will also include a link to t

How do I access Podcast transcripts? – The Washington Post

How to Center Mental Health in Culture + Mission - Kirk Brown, Handy Inc. — We Are For Good

Why publishing your podcast transcripts is BAD customer experience

How to Transcribe Your Podcast for Free

How To Create A Podcast Transcript - The Ultimate Guide's podcast transcripts and assistive AI

Help Documents: Table of Contents - Getting started - Help Center

How To Create A Podcast Transcript - The Ultimate Guide

7 podcasts about molecular research

How to Subscribe to and Manage Podcasts on iOS, MacOS, and iTunes

A Teacher's 10 Favorite ESL Podcasts - BridgeUniverse - TEFL Blog, News, Tips & Resources